What Uniform Pieces do I need?
You can purchase uniforms at scoutshop.org. If you have trouble finding anything, please send us a email!
Venturing’s recommended uniform includes two distinct styles: the “field uniform” and the “activity uniform”. The field uniform consists of the green Venturing shirt, a Scouting belt, gray Venturing pants or shorts, and gray Venturing socks. The activity uniform includes a Scouting belt, gray Venturing pants or shorts, gray Venturing socks, and a Scouting t-shirt or polo.
The green Venturing shirt includes the following
Right sleeve: Official U.S. flag emblem, Venturing emblem
Optional: “Journey to Excellence” patch
Left sleeve: Council shoulder emblem (must purchase at local scout store), unit number (Provided by us)
Optional: Leadership position patch (example: president, treasurer, associate advisor), “Trained” patch (Provided by us)
Pockets and neck: World crest emblem
Optional: Knots, bars, Venturing Rank patches*, neckerchief, nameplate
For formal occasions: Venturing rank/award medals, Venturing Leadership Award medal (with the colored side of the ribbon on the outside)
You MUST conform to the following when wearing the green Venturing uniform:
Existing insignia placement policies related to BSA uniforms shall apply.
The uniform should be neat in appearance, and shirts should be worn tucked in.
Charcoal gray backpacking-shorts or long pants should be worn. These do not necessarily need to be Venturing-branded.
Green shoulder loops should be worn with the green Venturing shirt.
District, division, council, and national Venturers and adult advisors may wear the corresponding shoulder loops with the green Venturing shirt.
Youth Venturers and adults can wear knots, but still must follow the official BSA policies on knots.
The Ranger Award bar may be worn on an adult advisor uniform if earned as a youth.
Only one Venturing Leadership Award medal is to be worn at a time.
Up to five pocket-medals may be worn at a time.
Venturing uniform in relation to other programs
Venturers should not wear the tan Scouts BSA shirt in place of the green Venturing shirt.
The tan Scouts BSA shirt should never be worn with green Venturing shoulder loops.
Venturers who qualify to earn Scouts BSA advancement** may wear the merit badge sash with the green Venturing uniform.
Scouts BSA youth advancement patches may be worn on the Venturing uniform, but they cannot wear both the Scouts BSA rank patch and a Venturing Rank patch at the same time.
Venturers may also wear the Arrow of Light and Eagle knots if earned.
A female Venturer or adult advisor may wear the Girl Scout Gold Award if earned in Girl Scouting.
Religious awards may be worn, whether earned in Boy Scouting or Girl Scouting.
The OA flap may be worn on the green Venturing shirt by inducted youth members or adult advisors.